New Addition: Violet Mae (photos!!)

On August 2nd, 2015, the Bigelow Family welcomed a new addition: Violet Mae.

Mom had been pregnant with her since December, and now she's finally here!!! We are so happy that God blessed us with this sweet little girl.

When my little sis Ruthie was being born, I stayed in to watch the delivery. That was in 2013. This time, my brother Caleb came to see the delivery. Unfortunately, though, he wasn't able to. Funny thing is, he was older than me when I watched Ruthie's delivery. (I'd rather not share my age.) Maybe it was just because he's a guy. :/ Who knows.

Below is a pic of Vi & my sweet Mama. This is right after the delivery! Going through this experience again, it made me realize how strong my mom is. In five short pushes, Violet was out!!
(Sorry for the bad quality of the pic; it was taken on my mom's phone.)

She was six pounds, fourteen ounces. My mom's smallest baby! But she was also my mom's longest (19 1/2 inches).

Enjoying the first few minutes together. :)

This is the day after. (Below.)

Oh no! All of my siblings are coming to visit! 

This is Ruthie holding Vi. Look at the sweet smile on her face. 

This is me, Ruth, and Violet. We love our little sis.


This is when we came to pick up Vi. My dad went in while I managed the kids in the car. :)

Yay!! Finally coming home! I love how her eyes are open. :)

Vi just got done breastfeeding. Time for a nap!

This was yesterday. Vi wasn't happy about the headband thing.

Lol, I love this photo below. The headband is ENORMOUS!! :)

I'm going to take a break from my God Lens series, because I'm going to post a mini series about the birth of Violet. It's going to be like a new chapter of a book every day.

If you haven't yet, make sure to follow so you can see new photos of Vi and read about how she was born! (It's a rather--er--stressful interesting story.)

Comments aren't needed, but warmly welcomed. :) 

Thanks for reading!! 



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! :-) she is such a gift from God!!!

  2. Thank you. :) do you guys want more baby photos??

  3. Oh, sweet Emma- thanks so much for posting these. So sweet that you got to be there for her birth. Fun memories. Yes, more pictures!

    Cousin Alexis

  4. She's so cute! Awww!

    1. Thanks Ellie! I love your blog! i just checked it out! I'll give it a follow as well. :)


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