Girl Talk--Defining Purity

Ok. A lot of bloggers don't really talk about this, but I'm going to because, well, frankly, it needs to be talked about--from one teen to another. This might get a little awkward, but we'll work our way through.

So. God gave us girls unique and amazing characteristics crucial to bearing children . . . including that monthly cycle that most of us hate, don't look forward to, and are still in denial about. Otherwise known as womanhood. When a girl first starts that cycle, she is no longer a little girl. She is a woman; capable of carrying a precious life within her. Which is amazing, when you think about it!

God also gave us a sacred gift that is to be kept unwrapped until we are married--our purity, also sometimes know as virginity.

But let's stick with the term purity for now.

So. Pure. What exactly does that mean? Pure means clean, untouched by man. Purity is something that God has given us to keep until we are married, as I said above. When we are married, our partner can then proceed to slowly unwrap this gift--amazing, God-desgined intimacy.

Yes, God designed it! He created intimacy as something to be shared and enjoyed between a husband and a wife. But when an unmarried couple starts to enjoy that pleasure, you are stepping outside of God's plan and then it becomes something bad.

There is a certain ring in my mom's jewelry box that I sometimes borrow as an image that I am pure--untouched by man. When I get married, I will take off the ring and return it to my mom's jewelry box, because my husband will have unwrapped my purity.

Intimacy is a wonderful, God-given thing. But, like I said above, it is to be used within the boundaries of marriage.

'My' ring is my great-grandmothers, which was passed down to my mom when she died. It is a thin gold band with a flower in the middle. Held in the middle of the flower is a beautiful sapphire jewel.

I also have another ring that I like to call my promise ring. My promise ring reminds me that when I commit to a man in the future, that commitment is for life. No turning back--through the hardships and trials, through sickness and in health.
It reminds me to be careful with who I start realationships with... To remember the biblical standards I have set for my future husband.
They are high, I'll admit. But one day I'll be glad that they were.
Remember, girls, start planting friendships now. In whatever youth group, high school or middle school you go to. 

My promise ring is a silver band, holding two small pearls and two small diamonds. It is beautiful, just like the everlasting commitment two people make during a wedding ceremony.

The one on the left is my purity ring and the one on the right is my promise ring.

I pray that you remember that purity is an amazing thing. Hold on to it, and don't promise yourself to a guy who doesn't meet biblical standards. You deserve so much better than just some ordinary guy! Comment if you wanna see my list for what I look for in a guy.

I love you gals! ❤️ God bless, and remember these verses....

"Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."

-Hebrews 13:14

"So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart."

2 Timothy 2:22




  1. I worked hard on this post for you all, so I hope you enjoy it!

  2. I would like to see your list on what you want in a husband. :)

    1. ok, you got it Ashley! :) Thanks for commenting, my dear friend! Stay beautiful!


  3. Yup. Wow! So beautifully and cleanly put, Emma! I love how you're practicing what you're preaching so to speak.. You are an inspiration!
    I also have a promise/purity ring from my gradma. She died last fall from a disease..God made is so I could be there when she passed. It is probably the hardest thing I've experienced in my 16 years of living.
    Thanks for sharing this!!

    1. AWW thank you so much Julia! You made my day! :)

      Ooh I'm so sorry you lost your grandma. ;( that's so hard. I'm so sorry! ;(

      Thanks for commenting, gal! No problem. Stay beautiful! :)


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Grace! Good to hear from you! Stay beautiful! :)

      How's your cat? :)


  5. Great post Emma! That seems to be a pretty forgotten subject in our day and age, but one that is necessary and needs to be addressed. Well done and thanks for sharing!

    Julia :)

    1. Thanks Jewels! Yes, many bloggers don't talk about it, so I decided to step out of my comfort zone and write it. ;)

      Love your blog, girl! Stay beautiful!


    2. also I was really nervous as to how people would react to this. So glad you all are happy with it! :) You guys made my day!

      Love you gals!


    3. Well you did a great job of stepping out of your comfort zone. It's really nerve-wracking when you do that, and oh so encouraging when people respond positively! I thought it was very well done. The picture of your rings is really nice, too!

      I'm so glad you like my blog! I also enjoy your posts.

      Julia <3

    4. Oh yes, tell me about it!! thank you so much! Yes, I love the filter on that pic! Thank you! Yes, your blog is awesome! :)

      Love ya, gal! ❤️


  6. What a great post Emma! You're so smart at such a young age. ( I really don't know what intimacy is, in the respect you're talking about.) Keep up the good work!


    1. Um hi Ruthie! :) I didn't know you could read! (Haha)

      Stay adorable, pumpkin!


  7. Oh my goodness this post was great Emma!! So true and you worded it so wonderfully! Love ya girl!

    1. Thank you so much, Shelby! Thank you for the support . . . was very nervous for the outcome of this post. :) Glad you liked it!!

      Love you too! Thanks for commenting, and stay beautiful, my dear friend!❤️



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