Pregnancy Update

As some of you guys might already know (from a blog post or otherwise) my mom is going to have baby girl sometime in August. Development inside the womb always fascinates me! For this particular reason, when I was little (Like, really little) I wanted to be a doctor. Now I realize how unrealistic this is! For me, Science and Math are my worst subjects :P
But it's still cool to learn! 
So, right now, my mom is going to be entering her 28th week of pregnancy tomorrow. Which means that she only has 76 days to go!
That may seem like a lot, but, in reality, it will go by really fast.

For today, (day 189) her pregnancy journal reads:

"The baby's eyes can now move in their sockets. Your baby is practicing looking.
What does the baby 'see'? Imagine for a moment what the inside of the womb must look like. Under bright lights or sunlight and without the protection of your clothing, the baby's world might look pinkish as the light shines through your blood vessels. At night, with clothing, or in a darkened room, it must be dark. The baby's system probably registers changes in light intensity. But 'pink' is a sensation that will take months to perceive, since, even at birth, the baby's color vision only seems to distinguish among pure reds, greens, and yellows."
~ The Pregnancy Journal, by A. Christine Harris, PH.D.

So yeah! That's actually pretty cool . . . just thought you might like to now! Definitely going to post a lot of photography when baby girlie gets here!



  1. I'm so happy for your family Emma! I can't wait to see pictures of Violet. :) I think you should practice photography and do a shoot on your mom. :)
    Life in the womb always fascinates me too! I love Biology science, but not Math. ;)

  2. I'm so happy for your family Emma! I can't wait to see pictures of your sister. :) I think you should practice photography and do a shoot on your mom. :)
    Life in the womb always fascinates me too! I love Biology science, but not Math. ;)

  3. LOL, I hate math :) and I have tried to take some pictures of my mom... But she won't let me! :) "I don't look good right now," she says most of the time. :D

    1. Do you love Science? hahahah......yeah. Well, just ask your mom to put on some fancy clothes, and stand outside and show her how to stand where it would be cool pictures. ;)
      Tell her it would be good with your photography post. Hey! That's a good idea! :D heheeh

    2. Science is ok. :D like I said before, my mom isn't very photogenic...

  4. Oh my gosh!!! That is awesome!! I'm so happy for you Emma! :)

    1. Thanks Shelby! :) Any new news for you? You haven't posted on your blog in a while!! :(

    2. Wich blog? Every Bit of Lovely or Country Christian Girls? I haven't been posting anything on Country Christian Girls but I have been posting a lot on my new one! :)

    3. Any one!! :) I followed both!

    4. Ok! yeah, I haven't been posting anything on Country christian girls. But I have been posting a lot on my new one Every Bit of Lovely! I actually posted a short story on it yesterday! :)

    5. Oh I didn't see that!! I'll have to look! I wonder why it didn't send me an e-mail?! Oh well. I'll just re-follow it and see if that helps. :)

    6. Hmm, thats wierd. I'm really sorry about that! I hope that re-following helps!


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