Girl Talk--God is Loving

When things get hard, know...

God is loving and faithful.

He is true, loyal, and he cares about us.

We can rely on Him.

He is consistent,

Ever loving, 

& Filled with mercy.

He demonstrates His love. 

He doesn't just tell us He loves us; he shows us he loves us.

He sent his son to die for us.

That's ultimate love.

This week, think of one way that God has shown His love & and covert that love into a good deed you can do for someone else.



  1. Thank you for posting this, Emma. It brightened my spirit. :)
    Hope your week is blooming with joy that only God can bring. :)

    1. Aw no problem Ashley! :) Thank you for commenting! :D
      As long as I can breath in the air that He gave me, my weeks will (and have been) fabulous. ;)

      Stay beautiful, dear friend! :)

      ❤️ XO- Em ❤️


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