Here's an interview with my friend Grace from The Short End of Things. You should totally check her out!!
You can answer these (down below) questions too!
1. Favorite book/movie
2. Favorite color
3. Favorite type of chocolate
5. Favorite season
6. Favorite blogs
7. Best friend(s) (human, mind you! LOL just joking my best friend is my cat too)
8. Favorite thing to do in the summer/early fall
9. Favorite baby girl/boy name
10. Favorite Bible verse/promise that the Lord provides
Here's how Grace answered them! And, LOL, she corrected me on number four! Correction: There is no four! So, uh, just tell me something random about yourself if you would like to answer these questions! Thanks again, Grace!
1. Well....I am currently reading the Harry Potter series.... and I LOVE it! So that would be my favorite book(s). :)
Movie.....hehe Captain America (both :P) and The Avengers- Loki is so awesome. (I'm REALLY looking forward to Age of Ultron!) I also love The Phantom of the Opera, Napolean Dynamite, The Sound of Music, The Ultimate Gift, and soooo many more!
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