My Book

This is the book that I'm working on. This is just a tiny bit of one of the chapters. I'm re-writing the entire Bible; this is defiantly going to take me a long time! Please pray for me as I work on it! (I also have an interview with Naomi from "Modesty with a Capital 'M'" and "Picture Perphect"!  . . . If I can get around to it. But my brain is weird; for some odd reason my brain thinks that copying and pasting is more work than just writing a post. Like I said, weird. :P )

Enjoy the preview below!


                                                                     * * *

Noah fell to his knees, trembling, at hearing Elohim’s mighty Voice.
“I-- . . . is that you, Yahweh?”  
Wind whistled and the sky went entirely black. “It is I, The Voice replied. He continued in a Voice filled with heart-brokenness, “I have a mission for you, Noah. You and your family are the only righteous ones on the earth I have created. It was once good, but now it is filled with sin. Every single thought that mankind thinks is wicked. Their hearts are filled with lust and they have taken advantage of the women. Prostitutes fill the land and murderers are everywhere. Mankind had never been so wicked and will never be as wicked as they are now.”
God paused to let that sink in, then continued: “And although it grieves me, I am going to wipe out the earth with the flood. I want you to build a vast ark out of gopher wood, and cover it completely in pitch, on the inside and out. I want it to be seventy-five feet wide and forty-five feet high. I also want the sides of the ark to be within eighteen inches of the roof.”
Noah thought, These are very complex instructions. I must follow them carefully; for they are from God.
Noah waited for God to continue. “They are very complex,” God’s Voice boomed again. “And I expect them to be done exactly as I say once I finish.”
Noah ducked his head.
“I also want the ark to have an upper, a lower, and a middle deck. You shall place a door in the center. Once the ark is complete, you shall bring into it every kind of animal, male and female, along with food for you to eat. Understand that there will never be a flood like this ever again, for I am going to wipe out everything that breathes on the face of the earth.”
Noah waited for more instructions, but there were none. Finally, he got up and stood there for many moments. He heard someone approach him and he turned around slowly. It was his son, Japeth. He laid a hand on his father’s shoulder. “Father,” he began, “What troubles you? Why is your face so pale?”
Noah slowly looked up into his son’s concerned face. “Oh, my son,” he said in a shaky voice, “Yahweh is going to flood the earth.”
Japeth laughed. “Surely you jest,” he grinned, but soon his smile faded, seeing that his father still assumed a troubled look. “You are serious?” he cried. “How? When?”
Noah placed his hand over his sons’. “I know not,” he said firmly. “All I know is that He said it, and I believe it.”
Japeth’s eyes were round. “Surely He will show us mercy,” he tried to comfort himself as he looked to the ground. “We worship Him and praise Him!”
Noah gripped Japeth’s chin with his fore finger and thumb on his free hand. “He will,” Noah smiled. “God told me that He would spare us if we built an ark. But we must follow specific instruction if we want to live.”
Japeth looked frightened. “Anything, Father,” he replied, his voice now shaking. “I will do whatever He commanded.”
Noah looked up into the heavens. “Good,” he whispered. 

                                         * * *
