Big Summer Ahead!

Hey ya'll! How are all of you?? Im so so so so so SO SO sorry I haven't posted in a while!! Now you think 'well, here comes the excuse', and i would have to admit that you're right. There is an excuse to my lack of posting. Several, actually.
1. I've been really busy.
2. We made a trip down to Indianapolis
3. I got sick
4. our house lost wi-fi because my dad forgot to pay the bill. :P *smacks forehead*

so yeah. And now I can't believe the crazy summer I have ahead! My brothers are at camp as we speak... at the greatest camp on earth, Camp Barakel. It is SO awesome! I promise I will post pictures when I get home!! But before that, I'm going to downtown Detroit to help at a daycamp with my youth group for a week. We're going to minister to kids and help them learn to read and write, do arithmetic, and stuff like that. I'm so excited! And, after that, as you all know, my mom is going to have a baby  . . .
Whoa. So much to do, so much already done! (I already helped at VBS!)

So, sorry I couldn't post pictures with this post. Next time, I promise!

Well, got to go!



  1. Woah! You sound busy. I'll be busy too, between teaching VBS, camp, vacation And more! :)

    1. Oh yeah. It looks like you have a busy summer too! :)


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