God Lens: Creation through His Eyes

Hey ya'll. 

Well, I just got back from Camp Barakel, and I know I promised a series of posts on Creation and secular problems. 
Today I will be the release of my series, 'God Lens'. The reason I'm calling it that is because, as Christians, we need to be able to see things through God's Eyes. We need to put on our proverbial 'God glasses' to see things the way He sees them. 

Today will be about Creation & the few evidences for it out of many, many others. 

1. Genesis 1:1. 
"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth."
The entire Bible begins by stating that God created the Heavens and the Earth. As Christians, that should be enough for us. But we should also understand that other people won't necessarily read that one verse and believe that God is the Creator of everything. 

2. Intelligent design.
Every where we look, we see the beauty and majesty of God's creation. Whether looking at a beautiful sunset, seeing the amazing stars that twinkle in the dark night sky, or seeing a baby take his first breath, it is simply impossible to believe that all of that came from a simple explosion or evolvement over millions and millions of years. How could all of that have come from anything but an intelligent designer? 

3. Patterns everywhere.
This is also part of God's intelligent design. There are patterns everywhere we look! From the parts of an egg (shell, white, & yolk), the different forms of water (solid, gas, & liquid), and the parts of an atom (I honestly don't know the specific name of all three; I just know that there are three), we see patterns everywhere! Just as in Math; the different number patterns and complex calculations that man has to make every day! The ability to do such things with the human mind is hardly the offspring  (for lack of a better word) of random chance! 
Fibonacci numbers and the golden rectangle, for example. (Fibonacci numbers are, for example, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 . . . et cetera. Do you get the pattern? Each number is added from the last number. 1 + 2 = 3; 2 + 3 = 5; 3 + 5 = 8; and so on.) God hides these patterns in His creation, like a signature on a master blue print. 

I encourage you to find different evidences for God's creation every day. What other objects (not made by man) have three parts? Oh, and here's the reason for why God favored the number '3' in His master design: There are three Parts to God . . . God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Think about it!

Well, I have to go. Thank you so much for reading!

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