Guest Post with Ashley from "Precious Moments" Blog & Recent Photography

Hey guys! So, I know I promised photos with this blog post . . .

So here is some recent photography with my little brothers and sis:

Aww!! Such a sweet smile . . . she's so photogenic. :)

I just have to say, the one below just maybe is in top ten favorites list. I LOVE black & whites with a blurred background. 

(Below) all of my brothers! From left to right: Drew, Luke, Caleb, and Sammy! I love the light hitting behind them and part of our house in the background.

Next up, I have a special treat for ya'll! A guest post with Ashley from Precious Moments and Ashley's store. She is currently knitting a hat for my mom's baby and she is SUPER nice. We have been e-mailing and I love it when she encourages me!
Enjoy & thanks, Ashley!

Hello Everyone!
I want to start off by thanking Emma for allowing me to do a guest post on her awesome blog. :D
My name is Ashley, and I blog at Precious Moments.I hope you go over there, take a look, and follow my blog by email. I also have a crochet store. It's called Ashley's Crochet Corner. I can make baby hats, booties, headbands, pot holders, etc. So if you know anyone that is in need of some baby things, tell them about me, please. :) Or if you would like to purchase a headband or something else, just shoot me a message and I will be happy to make it. I don't have them for sale yet, but if many people are interested, I will start adding fingerless gloves and other things to the store. If you would like to order something that's not listed, just email me and I will work with you. :) The money goes to help our persecuted brothers and sisters in the Lord get Bibles. Voice of the Martyrs does a wonderful job getting the Scriptures to those who don't have it. Please remember to keep them in your prayers, as they are suffering alot for Jesus Christ.
I just wanted to throw something else out there. If you are in need of a new blog design, and you want a picture you took to be on the top of your blog, or you just want a different simple design, I would be glad to assist you. I love helping people with their blogs, so if you want pages, contact me box, button, or whatever else you can think of, I would love to help you add those things onto your blog for free. Just contact me using the contact me box on the right side of my blog.
That's all I have to say for right now, so thank you again Emma for letting me do this guest post. I hope you all have a good and godly day!!
In Jesus' love and bountiful grace,

Thank you so much, Ashley!!! 

And to everyone else, please follow both blogs!!



  1. Thanks for posting my guest post, Emma! You're a really nice friend, too. :)

  2. Aww, I love this post!!! The pictures are amazing Emma!
    P.S. You never told me about your new blog!! I LOVE IT! The desgin is beautiful!!! :D

    1. Oh I'm sorry! I forgot! And I hope you know that the address changed!! And thank you!! i put a lot of thought into it! :)


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