Fun Pics w/ my Fam!!

Hey ya'all!! How are all of you guys!! So, this isn't a post in my new series, but I wanted to share some photos with you from a couple of months back! 
So, this one is definitely one of my many favorites. I also changed it into a black and white, but I liked the Sepia filter the best. :) 
In the photo, Sammy & Ruthie are holding hands. This was a great photo, because it really expresses how close-knit our family is and how much family support means to us. I love my family so much. 
For the effect of this photo, I really used a low exposure on my camera. It turned out really nice, and I cropped the photo so it was closer in. Please ignore the Sammy's Spider-Man pajamas. :) 

I really love this pic below. :) Ruthie is so adorable & photogenic! This photo is completely un-edited. 


I love love love love LOVE this photo!! All of my siblings together! Please ignore the un-eaten apple and messy-ness on Ruthie's high-chair.... :P lol. 

Hahaha!! I love this photo! #adorbs 

This is the screen saver on my iPad. #sharin'theluv #selfie!!
Please ignore the thumb in the top left-hand corner. 

Well, I hope you've enjoyed looking at these photos! 

Remember to 



or  share your thoughts @! :) 

Thank you!!




  1. All of them were so cute! What kind of camera do you use?

    1. I use a lot of things to take pics with. 1, a borrowed Nixon from one of my mom's friends, 2, a small digital camera, 3, my iPhone/my mom's iPhone. :) :) Do you like photography?



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