Ok, so you've seen my 'amazing'/totally weird selfies. Time for you guys to send in yours!! :-)
(do you like my double piercing? I just got my second one done yesterday. :D)
e-mail me at emmabigelow@gmail.com to participate in this contest! The winner will receive an imaginary golden star sticker. :)
The e-mail should contain:
1. Your amazing selfie(s) (up to 3 allowed, but only one can win!!)
2. Your name and blog (if you have a blog)
3. And your favorite ice cream flavor. :) yep, I know, totally random. :)
I will choose my three favorites and then we will have a vote!
I would really love it if everybody participated. :)
Thank you guys so much!
Do any of you guys have your ears pierced or double pierced?? Comment below and tell me what you think of mine!
I can't wait to see more pictures of Violet Emma! And I can't wait to hear her story. She's so cute. Congratulations to your whole family.
thanks Ashley!