Random random random random . . .

Hey everybody! So, today I just wanted to share some totally random stuff.

Yikes. That's creepy. My weird brother stole my iPhone and snapped a bunch of selfies. 
Well, I had my revenge.

Lol. I made this (above) for my bedroom door. #Girlsroom

I drew this on my editing photo app on my iPad. Lol. Who's excited for the new Star Wars???!!! 

Hehe. My little brother cracks me up.

I carved the first letter of my name into a tree. Lol. I need to work on my tree-carving skills.

Totally weird selfie of me . . . Moving on . . . .

I found a frog on my window!! :D who loves nature?


Vi fell asleep on my tummy. :) So cute!

My word! She's getting chubbs! :)

And last but not least, today I just wanted to share a little giveaway my friend Mary is having. 

Here is the link:


Just copy and paste the address into your browser search bar and vĂ²ila! There you go! Enter, enter, enter!! Oh, i almost forgot . . . it ends on the 30th. Make sure to enter by then!!

Have fun, everybody! 

"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love . . ." Psalm 145: 11




  1. Vi is so adorable, Emma! I can't wait to see more pictures and read more about her. :)

  2. Thanks for writing about my giveaway, Emma. :) I love the pictures of your chubby baby sister. ;)

  3. I absolutely love the second one!!


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