I'm still here!!


So. I am incredibly sorry that I have not posted in like FOREVER.
But life's been busy. As in good, busy. in case you were wondering, I have not posted not because I've joined the circus, or was locked in a distant tower away from any kind of civilization. 
(You were wondering that, weren't you??) :)
But like I said, I've been busy.
School, friends, parents, siblings, youth group.... the whole enchilada.  
So . . . yeah. I hope none of you thought I was dead. :) 

But stay posted!! Part three of Vi's birth . . . coming in a couple of days!!!!!! :D


  1. Can't wait to read part three!! :D

    1. thanks, Shelby! You can go check it out at:


      Enjoy and thanks for commenting!! :)



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