Drew's Birthday

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you all know, yesterday was my brother Drew's 9th birthday! So glad he's my brother and i love him very much! Here are some photos of him and please comment below and wish him a happy birthday! it would mean a lot to him! Thanks and enjoy!! :D

haha. That was how Drew rolled back then--tunic vest without a shirt underneath, and black church pants. His smile--oh, so sweet!!

There's a giant hotdog in the Henry Ford Museum. We went there a couple of years ago with some friends, and Drew couldn't resist. Neither could I

Mmm . . . One of my best memories. In my grandparent's old house, there were woods in the back, and Drew, Caleb and I would go back there and explore. We would climb trees, catch crayfish, and just explore. We called ourselves "The Explorers" who went on "Expeditions". However, we always came back in time for lunch. 

Ah. this was my absolute favorite. My grandma had a yellow bucket that Drew LOVED. He would don a Wall-E sweatshirt, blue navy army jacket, and he would put the bucket over his sweatshirt hood. :) Adorable. 

At the petting zoo, this brown-spotted bunny was Drew's favorite.

Grooming the cow at the Petting Zoo!

Enjoying Plymouth Orchards in Michigan!

At the zoo, you could dress up as a penguin! :) 

Catching frogs with big brother Caleb!

At the zoo! (Again) 

Great Grandma squeezes Drew tight in a hug!

Hanging out with Cousin Joey!

Bunny-eared Drew

Drew holding Violet in the hospital. :) so sweet.

Aww. Drew lovin' on Vi. 

Enjoying a breakfast at McDonald's with younger brothers Luke and Sammy!

Drew poses for a pic with Grandma Bigelow and little sisters Ruthie and Violet!

Lovin' on my Drewby!!

First day of third grade!!
(Come on, Drew; give us a real smile!)

I hope you enjoyed these pics! 
Which one was your favorite?
Remember, please say Happy Birthday to Drew in the comments below!

God bless you all, and have a wonderful rest of the Monday and week!


  1. Happy Birthday, Drewby! I love my little brother!!

  2. Happy Birthday Drew!

  3. Aww, I loved this post! All of the pictures were great Emma! :D My favorites are 1,2,4,10,16, 19, 20 and 21! I hope Drew had an awesome birthday!! Tell him I said happy birthday! :)

    1. I will! Thank you so much! :D glad you enjoyed them!


  4. Nice pictures. Glad he had a nice birthday. Happy birthday.


  5. Happy Belated Birthday Drew! He's got a cool personality! Hope he had a great day! :)


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