This is to all of
the broken, to all of the shamed, to all of the beaten down, to all of those
that aren’t His.
So, I may not be that old. I may not be the wisest Christian on earth. I may not be that smart. But I do know one thing. And, darlin', it's the greatest piece of truth to ever be spoken.
Know that, without
you, His story wouldn’t be complete. You have your own unique chapter in His
Book, and every single one of your days are thought and written out carefully,
down to the tiniest, most intricate detail.
If you would’ve been the only person on earth at the time of Christ’s
death, He still would’ve died for you. He loves you SO MUCH that he allowed
Himself to be beaten, humiliated, and hung on a cross for twenty-four painful
hours, abandoned by all. Tears and blood mixed at the foot of the cross as the
world’s sins were piled on top of Him. Past sins, present sins, sins that
hadn’t even been committed yet were heaped onto Him as He cried out to God. He loved you SO MUCH that he took your place, hung on the cross, naked,
abandoned, and without much hope. The greatest sacrifice; the greatest image of
unexplainable, unimaginable, unconditional
love. Even if you were the dirtiest, most sinful, most wicked person on the
face of the earth, Jesus still would’ve died for you. He DIED. FOR. YOU.
He bled,
He endured,
He died for you.
He was whipped,
He was mocked,
died for you.
He’s given you a
free gift, after all of the horrible
things you’ve done in your lifetime. Now, don’t get me wrong, I sure don’t like
being called a wretch as the song
‘Amazing Grace’ says. But that’s what we are. Horrible, unforgivable, dirty
wretches who don’t know the meaning of the word love. That, my friend, is why
Christ had to show us. He showed us by hanging on the cross. After all we’ve
done, Jesus is giving us a chance. A chance to live with Him, a chance to be
free from all of the guilt that comes from being born into this world. A chance
to return Christ’s unconditional gift, saying right back to Him, “I love you
Indeed, the people
who despise this gift, the people who mock this gift, the people who scorn this
gift, are surely blind and stuck to the ways of this world. We only have one
lifetime to accept it. Once you’re gone, you’re gone . . . forever.
So, tell me one
thing: What on earth are you waiting for?
i love this!