Well. Christmas is over. A new year is almost here. Goodbye, 2015! Hello, 2016!

🎶Hello from the other si-i-ide; I must've called a thousand ti-i-i-imes . . .🎶 

Whoops, sorry. Got caught up in an Adele moment, there. Who else loves that song? ☺️


I always feel a sort of bittersweetness when the new year comes around. God has blessed me with a wonderful family, great friends, a beautiful house with many acres and a swimming pool, a lovely church, and even things a lot of people take for granted--clean water, shampoo, deodorant, a brush... So many other things that so many other people don't have! Each year brings fond memories that I'm sure I will cherish for the rest of my life. So Happy New Year! Cherish each year as it comes. Each month. Each week, each DAY, because there will never be one like it again in history, and God gave YOU the pleasure of experiencing it!! 

As I said earlier, a lot of people don't have many of the blessings that I do. So this new year, my mom and some of my friends and I will be handing out cards to homeless people. 

Here's an example of some of the cards we made:

*above* yes, I did make that cute little church. I was proud of myself! ;)

Happy 2016! I'll post next year! 

(Haha, I got you. Next year is in a couple of days, silly!)

God bless, 

Emma ❤️❤️
