How do we know
our religion is the right one?
First off, I
would like to say that Christianity isn’t necessarily a religion. It’s a relationship.
We don’t need to keep up traditions or do certain things to be perfect or
to have a relationship with Him. He didn’t die for us to go right ahead and
say, “yes, You died for me, but I still need to do this or do that to be able
to live in Heaven after I die.” No. That’s why He died. He died for us because
there was/is nothing we can do to get into heaven by ourselves!
So He made a way.
Now I’m going to
be completely honest.
There is no easy way to explain it. Once you
ask this question, you ARE NOT going to get a straight answer. So hang on and bear with me as I try
my best. Please know that I am human, so obviously I am not perfect. This will
not be a perfect example so please don’t expect it to be! J With that being said (just to make sure we have clarity), I can
dive into this post.
* * *
According to the
CNS News, 136,582,200 people in the world are atheists. That may seem like a
lot, but in reality it is only 2.0% of the earth’s population. Also according
to the CNS News, those numbers are predicted to drop down to 1.8% of the
world’s population (which is 136,685,000 people approximately) in 2020. You may
be thinking, what the heck does this have to do with religion?
Whether you
believe so or not, it has A LOT to do
with religion.
Hang on as I
So. Let’s take out
our pencils and paper, because to fully understand what an atheist is, you need
to know what the word atheist means.
A – thi – est:
person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.”
Ok. So, an atheist
is somebody who doesn’t believe God exists (or gods). Pretty simple. But what
makes them believe what they do, that there isn’t a god somewhere out there in
the universe. A lot of times it’s because they have went through hardships and
they believed God would get them through, but He had a different plan. And as
simple as that, just because they didn’t get their way, they stop believing in
God because He let something ‘bad’ happen to them. So they believe, “if God
supposedly loves everybody, then why does He let terrible things happen to us
daily? Wouldn’t He want His creation to be happy?”
The short answer
is, yes. God does want us to be happy. But happiness doesn’t come from within us, it comes from within trust in God.
If we trust that God knows what is best for us, and that His plan is ultimately
better than anything we could’ve planned for ourselves, then we realize that we
don’t need to worry about the future because
His plan always works for the benefit of others.
Jeremiah 29:11 says:
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
So there you go. The struggles that God sometimes let come
our way is to not hurt us or to harm us, but to prepare us for a future filled
with hope and joy.
Atheists are also almost always evolutionists. They believe
the world came about by ‘random chance’ not by ‘intelligent design’ which is
what Christians believe; God being the intelligent designer.
I just laugh and shake my head when I hear this. Random
Take two fingers . . . and lay them on your wrist. Do you
feel the steady, rhythmic beat pulsing beneath your skin? That’s blood surging
through you veins on the way to your heart. With each beat, blood is pumped in
and out. Random chance?
Look at yourself in the mirror. Those lovely eyes and unique
face unlike anybody else’s in the world. Random chance?
Take a look around you at the beautiful world. The white snow
in the winter? The crisp, beautiful colors of leaves in the Fall? The luscious
green grass and soft dirt in the Summer? The wet April showers and beautiful
designs of the multi-colored flowers in the Spring? Random chance?
The beautiful fish in the sea and the amazing creatures that
soar in the sky. Random chance? How can that possibly be?
Don’t you see? THERE IS
It blows my mind that people actually believe in this stuff
and use their entire life to study it.
So, in my opinion, Atheism is crossed out for me. Many people
would say that Atheism isn’t a belief, but that’s not true. Everybody believes
in something. Atheist’s believe that
their isn’t a God. So they do believe
in something.
So that leads us to believe that there is a God. But which one is the right one? There are many so called
‘gods’. Islam/Muslims believe in a god called Allah. Hindus have many gods!
Catholics believe in the same God that Christians basically do. They believe
that Jesus died and rose, but they also believe that Jesus’ death isn’t enough.
They follow strict rules and traditions. Maybe, just maybe, if you listen to
the priest, follow the pope, and obey those guidelines, you’ll pass Purgatory
and get into heaven. Now, please don’t get me wrong. I believe that you can be
Catholic and still a Christian, I do. If you follow traditions and guidelines
and yet know that it doesn’t save you, and you have believed in the name of
Jesus, I believe that you are a Christian. However, if you are Catholic and
believe that your identity of being
Catholic saves you, then I believe that is not having a personal relationship
with Christ. Plus Catholics also believe in worshiping past saints, which goes
against the commandment that says, “You shall worship none other than me
(God).” (word in parenthesis is mine for clarity.)
Jehovah Witnesses are similar to Catholics in that they rely
on tradition to be their savior.
So which one is right? There are so many
religions/faiths/beliefs out there we can get tangled up in a labyrinth of
which one is true!
But they can’t all be right, right? Only one is right. Every
religion has one thing in common: god is at it’s base. Not the God who
Christians believe in, but a god who
people have confused with the God!
You could look in one place looking for God and wind up seeing something else.
You will be led by what you want to believe, rather than finding the true God.
We need to seek the truth, not seek what we want to find. That is a very real
danger that people suffer with daily! People think they want something, so they
look for that, not the truth which is
what will set them free!
It is obvious that each religion of the world has a base, and
I already said that it is a god, not the God. But there is a person/group of
people that helped to kindle the flame which gradually grew until it was a
shining blaze of supposed ‘truth’.
So, again, which one is correct?
For our answer, I’m going to go to the Bible.
Isn’t that where it all started? Where Christianity got it’s
basis? But what if it’s incorrect and flawed? What if somebody randomly started
writing the Bible and it was gradually added on to over the years? Many people
think this is very possible. In fact, they think it’s probable! After all,
there was no eye-witness for the creation of the earth besides the Creator
Himself? But where did the Creator come from?
You see, we could get tangled up and up until we are unable to
think from all of the questions we have burdened ourselves with! So I am going
to give you a very simple answer as to where God came from:
Nowhere. There is no way to prove that God exists. Our human
minds just cannot wrap around the fact that God came from nowhere. He was just
always there. People might protest, saying, “That is extremely unlikely! How
can God just always exist, coming out of nowhere?”
That is where I say, “I gotcha! It is just as unlikely for a
big bang or a random series of events to take place for the world just suddenly
be here!”
So which one is correct? Random chance, or God? ‘Cause I’m
going to need to go back to Atheism for my next point, guys.
So. The Bible is the
most Historically-proved document in
History. Everything in the New Testament and pretty much everything in the
Old Testament aligns with the known History of the world! (I say almost
everything in the Old Testament because Scientists obviously don’t agree on God
creating the world, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Great Flood, and the Tower of
Many would say that the Bible has many contradictions, but
actually they are all complimentary towards further facts and evidence. The Bible is correct!
So if everything else in the Bible is correct, then would you
be surprised if the account of Creation in Genesis is correct as well?
I wouldn’t be at all.
Mohammed spread the ‘truth’ about Islam and that the angel
Gabriel came to him in a dream. There is only one eye-witness for this supposed
account: Mohammed himself.
However, the Bible has thousands of witnesses and writers who
didn’t contradict each other over a span of 2,000
There is no way of knowing whether or not Christianity is ‘the
real deal’. But there is so much evidence for God’s presence in our daily
So, where do you stand?
Love you guys! Talk to you soon!
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