In my bedroom, I have a wall by my vanity that is covered in slips of paper. They are various shapes and sizes and are written on with many different shades of ink. Some are blue, some are pink, some are purple. No matter the size, no matter the shape, no matter the color of the ink that the words are written in—they all have equal importance and sentiment to me.
In my bedroom, I have a wall by my vanity that is covered in slips of paper. They are all quotes. Some of them are silly, such as “I speak fluent movie quotes, song lyrics, and sarcasm.”
Others are deeper and more thought provoking: “I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget.”
Whether serious or silly, song lyric or book excerpt, romantic or feministic, each of these quotes relate to my life in a very special and personal way.
For this post, I have chosen the following quote to share my thoughts on:
As humans, we are all unique and different. Yet we are similar. We all struggle with similar things. We are broken and lost. We lie and steal. We all sin and think wrong thoughts. Yet we still judge the people around us as if we don’t struggle with anything ourselves.
As humans, we are different.
Yet we struggle with the same things.
Each person has a different place in the story of the world.
some are preachers.
some are writers.
some are actors.
some are singers.
some are teachers.
Within each story, there are different chapters. Some are in their first chapter, some are experiencing their fiftieth. Some have rough patches in their books; some have it easy all the way. This is why I so strongly agree with the quote above. I don’t think it fair for us—broken humans—to judge other fellow, broken humans for mistakes that they have made simply because of where they are in their story. Instead, we should offer an encouraging hand and be there for them as they go through the conflict—and celebrate with them as they joyfully experience the resolution.
“Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, ‘Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.’”
Acts 14:22
hope you enjoyed this post & that i gave you something to think about :)
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